Sunday, October 4, 2009

Monthly Sketch Project

By: Lori Talbert
There is a blog called Monthly Sketch Project and reference pictures are posted each month for artists to use. The idea is to see how each artist represents the reference picture. The different ideas and mediums that are used.

One of the reference pics for October was this photo Apples by Leslie and above is my work from that picture. It is soft pastel pencils, 5x7 inches on Vellum Bristol Board.
I haven't worked that much with pastel pencils and usually work in graphite or colored pencils. One of the things I liked about the pastel pencils was the ease of application. This work took about 2.5 hours and if I had used colored pencils would have taken several hours. The things I didn't like about the pastel pencils was that the colors are not quite as rich and it is very easy to lose detail because of the ease of blending. I may not have used the best surface though.
I haven't done any art in months so a big thanks to the Monthly Sketch Project for getting me going again!


Laure Ferlita said...

Good to see you posting artwork again, Lori! Gorgeous glow to your apples too!

Leslie Hawes said...

Hi, Lori, This looks spectacular!
I am tickled that my photo gets to be the first for you and the Monthly Sketch Project!
The MSP is so much fun.

Patty Ruthe said...

Hi Lori, wonderful delicious apples! Thanks for sharing.

ego2005 said...

Lovely work, congratulations!

Spinneretta said...

Love the softness of these apples Lori :) Beautifully done :)

ArtistUnplugged said...

The apples look really awesome! i may have to check out this site. You did a great job. Congratulations on your work winning in your previous post!

Jan said...

Oh, well done, Lori! Yes, pastel can sometimes look less crisp that other media especially on sanded papers but you've done well with these!

And congratulations on the wins at your art shows. Art is so very subjective and you have a great attitude about entering shows.

twincedar said...

Thanks everyone! It was good to get back to art again! It is exciting and fun learning a new medium and I will definitely continue with the pastels. The ease of application and blending definitely outweighs the downside.
Jan, have you noticed that when you spray with fixative you lose some color and detail? I had this problem. I know you are fixing yours differently now.

Ann said...

I think this looks fantastic!

Karen said...

I think you did a wonderful job on these apples. They look very realistic. You are very good with the pastel pencils. The color and shading are just perfect.

M J Muir said...

Your apples are absolutely glowing. Lovely work!

Unknown said...

I really love the softness of these. Great shine :-) They don't look like you are unfamiliar with the medium ;-)